Zanzibar Island
The island of Zanzibar is off the coast of mainland Tanzania. It is a part of the United Republic of Tanzania. Interestingly, it has its own flag and president. It is a short 20 minute flight from Dar es Salaam on Air Tanzania. There are many small planes traveling there each day, including Costal Airline. Also, there is ferry boat service.
Zanzibar played a large role in the history of East Africa. The Sultan (king) of Zanzibar controlled much of the east coast of Africa. If you wanted to do business or explore, you started in Zanzibar and had to have his permission. Old Town on Zanzibar is famous for its history, including its slave markets. You can see some of Dr. David Livingstone’s medical equipment and supplies in the museum. Today, Zanzibar is a major stop for tourists.
Accommodations, transportation, and tours can be booked online.