Our Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
Joy in the Harvest is a Christian organization.

Specifically, it is an organization that is participating in the “Great Commission” of Jesus Christ.
We are to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (The Bible, Matthew 18:19-20).
Christians try to follow Christ by obeying his teachings and being loyal to his purposes and methods. Joy in the Harvest is, at its core, a group of Christians who have come together to serve Christ by obeying his instructions and reaching out to people in His love.
Our faith is therefore based in both creed and deed. We have an understanding as to what the Bible teaches and we live our lives in service to Christ and the world full of people He loves. Joy in the Harvest has a special focus on giving witness and service to people living in Africa. In order to make it both understandable and clear, what we believe, Joy in the Harvest has adopted a Statement of Faith which outlines the content of our beliefs. Not everything we believe is given in this one short statement, but it does reflect our core understanding of who Christ is and other essential teachings.